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A pumpkin carved and lit for Halloween, on the ground of castle ruins

Halloween Shenanigans at Urquhart Castle

Get ready to experience Urquhart Castle like never before for Halloween Shenanigans!

A pumpkin carved and lit for Halloween, on the ground of castle ruins

Halloween Shenanigans at Stirling Castle

Get ready to discover Stirling Castle in all its Halloween glory for Halloween Shenanigans.

Detail of a carved pumpkin in the walled grounds of Craigmillar Castle

Halloween Shenanigans at Craigmillar Castle

Come along to the eerie setting of the castle to meet the master of owls and Ravina the storyteller.

Some flowers and herbs in a mortal and pestle

Potion Maker's Trail

Children are invited to find the answers to break the spell on the site. A certificate and sticker are awarded at the end.

Costumed performer dressed as Rabbie Burns in the Great Hall at Edinburgh Castle

Celebrating Burns

A light-hearted introduction to the life and works of Robert Burns

A re-enactor dressed as Robert Burns walking through the audience in the Great Hall at Stirling Castle

Burns an' a' that

An event celebrating Rabbie Burns, Scots, Gaelic and Haggis!